AuraNexus Presents Conversational Platform to Education Experts
Los Angeles, CA
Hello Friends!
The education system in America has fallen to the wayside for decades. And while the pandemic has brought its own set of challenges with education, it has also opened the door for innovation to usher in much-needed change to an aging institution. That’s why we at AuraNexus are focused on developing our personalized, conversational A.I. technology to transfer antiquated methods of learning into more effective models built for students, teachers, and administrators in the 21st century.
This past Friday, AuraNexus spoke virtually at the University of California Irvine’s Digital Learning Lab to discuss our platform’s ability to improve educational learning using conversational video. The presentation included a live product demonstration and an in-depth look at available data from existing educational studies that support our hypothesis on the value of our platform. Our research found correlations between active learning, human interaction, the use of vocal recognition, program accessibility, and student-teacher flexibility… and that each has an important role in improving overall student achievement.
AuraNexus incorporates all of this with our platform.
There was an overwhelmingly positive response to our presentation and our technology by those in attendance; consisting of renowned scholars, technology and language specialists, scientists, and researchers from the Education space. Following the discussion, AuraNexus took part in a live Q&A. We were pleased to receive feedback from a variety of education experts who validated our technology’s value. One education expert stated that AuraNexus “will solve a lot of the disparities that happen in the public school system.” Another expert praised our implementation of providing suggested questions for users that “is very likely to address the problems many students from our studies talk about” and that “seeing teachers’ authentic reactions is likely to make students more confident in their ability to ask additional questions of their own in the future.” Watch the full conversation here.
We would love to speak with you about how AuraNexus can partner with you and your organization to help your students take control of their learning, while also saving your teachers and administrators more time and money. Email me directly at [email protected] to schedule a call, see a live product demo, and discuss how we can work together to improve student outcomes.
With gratitude,
Andrew Kimmel